Just my thoughts, etched in words...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Let me write something about the movie that has got to be the "Movie of the Year". The Movie of the year to be Dumped first into the trash! And the coveted title goes to Tashan. I have always asked myself, can man ever make something so hideous and senseless that the very thought of it provokes resentment from you. And now, finally my question has been answered. And the answer has come as Tashan! First, was it the Director's Tashan (style) to not have any story whatsoever in the movie that he thought he was going to make? Second, did Saif think that calling a girl 'Bitch' every time he breathed was Tashan? I, for one, was totally repulsed by such constant rebuke of what people thought, blasphemously, even remotelt stylish!

Kareena travelling under a hot, sveltering sun in the Rajasthan desert decides to cut off her jeans to a height where noone will know whether she's even wearing any! Akshay Kumar asks her what she's doing, rather aghast, and justifiably too! And guess what the girl has to say...."Tashan"! Gawdd!! Its just like throwing yourself into the oven to say, "See, I'm so HOT!!!":D If getting baked in the summer heat is what her style is, then God save her!
The funny part though was that these uber stylish people decided to go to Rajasthan from Mumbai through Ladakh. Did the Director just lose his compass or his mind too along with it?!

Then there's our very own Anil kapoor. He's past that age where he can play a lead, and he probably does'nt think himself to be old enough to be playing dad, so in every second movie we see him playing a don. Remember Welcome? Ok, no grudges against his choice of movies. But, then again, what on earth does he think he's doing in the movie? Plays a don, a killer, the most gruesome of criminals you can think of and has a fettish for learning english. But all that he manages to learn and rather effortlessly irritate us with is his UP version of some God forsaken engliss. Its a little amusing in the beginning, but the fixation with it is absolutely and undeniably irksome!

The best part however comes towards the end. The three protagonists(?) are locked in a barn and Anil kapoor throws a hand grenade inside it. A blast worse than what any atom bomb can instigate is cited, everything thrown to pieces. Except, yes, you guessed it right. We've seen too many movies to not get it right anyway! The three escape absolutely unscathed in a car that, by the way, is wrapped in fire that shows no signs of dousing. How supremely impervious!!

Sometimes, we retrace our steps and think of all the foolish and insane decisions we ever made in life. I did a retrospection of all the idiotic things I did in life too and no matter how hard I tried, I could'nt take away the esteemed title from one of my decisions. The decision to watch this movie.
Tashan definitely has no tashan.


Blogger Joydeep Das said...

Hello Nupur,

We are pleased to announce the launch of 'Chakpak Picture Gallery Widgets - beta' . Movie Picture Gallery Widgets are small HTML scriptlets which you can copy to your blog and they show nifty picture gallery for the configured movie. They are a neat addition to your blog entry.

It looks like you are a movie buff, and frequently blog about movies. These Picture Gallery Widgets would be a great addition to the movie reviews that you write.

To start just go to http://chakpak-widgets.blogspot.com/ Find the widget which you like. Click on Grab this widget and copy-paste the HTML scriptlet to your blog.

We hope you like them. Please send us any feedback on the widgets and help us improve the widgets further.

Chakpak Team

3:24 PM, April 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!...makes me wonder as to when the Indian film industry will eventually break the stereotype...movies and music videos are all about size 0 women gyrating all over the place...and just to make sure that the not so urban population is cashed in on too...they add the UP Bihar twist!..we have just about reached saturation...its time that we did something novel...and kareena needs to do some serious introspection...I think her fake "tashan" which she promptly tries to show off in all her movies and all her roles is a tad too much to take now!So tashan is off my list now..thanks Nupur!..you saved me :)

5:42 AM, May 01, 2008  
Blogger Nivedita Agashe said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:12 AM, May 08, 2008  
Blogger Nivedita Agashe said...

ha ha... that makes me thank my decision making powers and all review suppliers that kept me away from that movie... kareena shud realize that a head that looks bigger than the body is just funny and in no comprehensible way stylish... she claims she wants to be as thin as posh spice... ahem...

8:15 AM, May 08, 2008  

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