Hundreds of Gods. Millions of pujas. More often than not, one hears the abject "necessity" to perform a certain puja which will bring prosperity and well being. Then days later, one hears of another puja that proffesses to the same effect. Then another, and another. It is a viscious cycle that one finds being enmeshed in all the time. One is, but, forced to wonder. Are we really 'invoking' God to bless us with success or are we getting entangled in our insecurities? Is it the 'fear' of the unknown harm that might befall us if that one puja, and many, many after that, is not performed? More the unfounded fears, more the superstitions and false beliefs associated with it. More, and interminable.
What I would like to question is this- Is God really that ruthless that He won't wish his devotees their welfare by one sincere chant of His name, one prayer- unfeigned and earnest? Are those extensive rituals and innumerable ceremonies with their attendant paraphernalia the only way to please Him? Many of us,unfortunately, still allow ourselves to be swallowed up by such preposterous ideas, drowning deeper and deeper into the abyssmal pit of retrogressive and orthodox doctrines. When will we extricate ourselves out of it? If there ever is a right time, when will that be?
What I would like to question is this- Is God really that ruthless that He won't wish his devotees their welfare by one sincere chant of His name, one prayer- unfeigned and earnest? Are those extensive rituals and innumerable ceremonies with their attendant paraphernalia the only way to please Him? Many of us,unfortunately, still allow ourselves to be swallowed up by such preposterous ideas, drowning deeper and deeper into the abyssmal pit of retrogressive and orthodox doctrines. When will we extricate ourselves out of it? If there ever is a right time, when will that be?
I remember a story taught to us in school. It was the story of Narad and Lord Krishna. Narad was given a oil lamp and was asked to do Parikrama of the world, keeping in mind that oil from lamp does not fall. Even Narad who is always seen chanting "Narayan Narayan"(another name of lord Krishna) did not chant the name of lord Krishna during this task. In contrast a poor farmer busy with his hectic schedule, found time to remember God. We don't need festivals to please God. How many chants are actually sincere? We usually remember God when we are in trouble or want to ask some favor. Its just that you need to change your perception...
You are right Puja or chants done out of insecurity may not fructify unless done with a certain degree of faith and devotion. For the right degree of devotion one must understand that formal religion is devised to lead an individual to deeper spirituality which in turn leads to a perception of the ULTIMATE BEING. Try to find the rationale behind the rituals and the 'thousand off gods' you will certainly be convinced of the usefulness of the pujas.
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