I have been reading a lot of other people's blogs lately..hopping from one to the other. My complete lack of preoccupation with anything else has fortuitously fuelled this 'activity', so to speak. And believe me, it is one of the most enjoyable thing that I have probably ever done, and fortunately, far less tedious too, given my current state of indolence. Staying at home usually does that to me...no strict regimens to be blindly followed, no fixed meal hours, no scrambling to the Hostel mess at the first ring of the bell...does'nt it conjure up the image of Tom Cat sprinting to get his plate of the fresh, juicy chicken leg ?! Luckily, the food never manages to inspire the drool so very charectaristic of Tom! Saved! From ignominy!!
Ok..I can sense that I have veered from what I had originally started with...blogging..or infact reading what the others have written. Some of them, and these are the ones that I enjoy the most, are simple, but expressive portraits of the thoughts the mind constructs..mundane ideas, banal events, sprinkled with zest and beautifully brought to life! If there is one thing that I aspire for, is the ability to create and enthuse that life, that sprightliness in my writing as well!!
The first blog that I ever read was Sasha's..it was something on Socialism..and boy! That was some hard core stuff ! Pretty enjoyable, but it did more than just activate the brain cells..it did more, much more. It kind of galvanised my state of being, and propelled a desire, and a deep one at that, to write something of my own. And I did just that. And I'm glad that I did. I had rusted, and writing, whatever gibberish it might have been, lubricated my passivity. Though I can't claim to be a regular blogger, and I might not be writing anything interesting or captivating or something that even obliquely flexes the funny bone, but it makes me happy...and, that, I think, is all that matters. It is a pursuit I have just begun, and I hope to be able to sustain it.