For anyone who's read my last blog, the tangible lapse of time between that and this one would be, but striking..for I had concluded the previous one with something like..'this is an endeavour that i have just started and i hope to be able to sustain it'...sheer irony is what I would call it, for there has never been a bigger hiatus between two writings. But anyway, will just pick up the thread and ramble some more over nothing!! (is'nt this what blogging is all about..writing... something to just about anything!! )
Am listening to some very nice, beautiful songs at the moment...some old english classics, some hindi masterpieces. Thats the way I like spending my time, give something to the ears to feed on, give the mind some splendid rest( rest, here, by the way, is from the fatigue of that constant activity called breathing..who said breathing was'nt an activity?! Those who don't believe me, may kindly give it a little rest for some time, and see the difference...believe me, its palpable!)
Just as I'm writing this , the song that my i pod has offered to play is a song called 'Lady d'Arbanville'...sprightly French music, the kind that usually strikes up that romantic chord in you. But this one seems more like a charade, meloncholy and zestful, all at the same time.
And I simply love it!! Been listening to it all day!
Its almost the end of my university holidays now, infact, they ended long back, but I, as always, have overstayed. And since I have been at Home all this while, I think I can confidently say that though I have overstayed, I have'nt overstayed my stay!!
Pretty much wasted these holidays, not that there is anything new or bizzarre in it, do that all the time!! Infact, the leisure and luxury to be able to waste time is what defines my holidays best, or rather my defintion of it. I'm sure my parents have never been more eager to agree with me, and disapprove!!
There's a lot more that would like to write on, but there is something that I have just remembered, and I need to do it before I forget!!