I was just driving down the road the other day, the other evening is more like it though when I saw this vast splash of lights all over LA. And for some reason, my mind wandered to the first time I had ever seen so many lights, all at the same place. My father being in the Services, the early years of my life were spent in small towns and big houses. The small shell that we lived in was all that the world had my brother and I would think. It was a wonderful life though....relaxed and happy!
I remember we were coming to Delhi on a transfer from Dhanbad, a smallish town in (the then) Bihar. The shell that we had lived in so far was gradually opening.....and we sure were excited! Ok, not wavering from what we started with..the reason why my mind suddenly sprang to the past whilst in LA. The moment we reached the outskirts of Delhi, what met our eyes would have been just an ordinary part of someone else's daily humdrum. But, that huge sheath of light washing over the entire city...with the horizon gobbling it all up...was a site for us. And I remember my brother (barely 5 yrs old then!) almost shrieking with abject disbelief as to how many lights there were! I'm sure we made a great spectacle for all our co-passengers there! That was a time, and this is the other. LA is a very big city..and there are lights, lights and more lights..everywhere and anywhere that u can see. But these don't startle me the way the Delhi lights did...after all, a first is always a first!